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clinFHIR Profiling Walk Through

So I’m in the middle of getting ready for the Furore  devdays event – part of the preparation being a writing series of posts on the various stages we’ll be exploring as part of that event.

Quite co-incidentally, Mark Braunstein from Georgia Tech asked me to do a presentation for their FHIR class which is happening in a couple of days, so I thought it a good idea to write this walk through of the complete process from end to end – from a requirement to a profiled resource instance.

We’ll return to the more detailed consideration of the steps after this.


Here are the overall steps we’ll follow:

  1. Gather requirements
  2. Build Logical Model/s
  3. Build / find valuesets
  4. Create Profiles
    1. Build / find Extension Definitions
    2. Build Profile
  5. Build Example resources

Pre requisites

There are a couple of things to set up first.

Here’s a screen shot of the configuration:


We want to add a profile that allows us to record the phase of the moon when a condition is at its worst (I’ve been watching Harry Potter again). There’s a fixed set of values for the phase of the moon: new, waxing, full, waning. We’ll also take the opportunity to remove some of the elements from Condition that we don’t want to support.

Logical Model

Here’s the logical model:

And the steps to produce were:

  1. Create new model
  2. Model type = single resource (shows the ‘Initial Content’ tab)
  3. Initial content from Condition resource
  4. Complete other fields and save

This creates a model that is basically a simplified copy of the core resource type that we can then modify in the modeler. Here is more detail on the Logical Modeler.

Analysing the model, we realize we’ll need:


We’ll need to create a valueSet for the values of the phase of the moon. This will be bound to the extension definition that we’ll create next and will be stored on the terminology server (Grahames in our case). (In real life we’d go looking for an existing one that matches, but we’ll assume that we’re the first to think of this).

Note that we have to create the ValueSet first, as it needs to be present when we create the binding in the Extension Definition.

Steps to produce:

  1. From the main clinFHIR screen click the gear icon and select ‘ValueSet Editor’. The Editor screen is displayed (Note that it is in a separate browser tab to clinFHIR).
  2. Click the ‘New’ button on the top right. A dialog appears where we can enter the name of new ValueSet and a description.
  3. Enter the name (see the bottom of this post for thoughts on naming conventions) and description, then the ‘check name’ button that appears. A save button should appear upper right. Click it.
  4. Click the ‘Enter directly’ tab to the upper right. Then enter the possible values into the input boxes one at a time clicking ‘Add’ for each one. Set the ‘system’ value to ‘’
  5. When all the values have been entered, click the ‘Save’ button to the upper right.

Here’s a screen shot of the ValueSet after it has been saved.

For a ‘real’ ValueSet we’d likely choose values from a proper Terminology like SNOMED, but for the purposes of education this approach is fine.

If we wanted to, we could always go back to the logical modeler and bind the ValueSet there as well. In practice, this is something that we’re likely to do commonly as the Logical Model is refined

Extension Definition

The Extension definition defines the new element we are adding to the Condition. It will be a simple extension (one value only) and will be of type CodeableConcept, bound to the ValueSet we just created with a binding strength of preferred.

The steps:

  1. From the main clinFHIR screen click the gear icon and select ‘Extension Definitions’. The ED Explorer screen is displayed.
  2. Click the ‘new Extension Definition’ button on the top right
  3. Enter a name into the dialog and click ‘check’ to make sure the name isn’t already being used. The Save button will appear (upper right) if it is new.
  4. Select ‘Condition’ from the ‘Resources that can use this extension’ drop down, and fill in the description fields (short & long).
  5. Click the ‘add element’ link (lower right). A dialog appears titled ‘add child element’
    1. Set the Datatype to CodeableConcept. A link labeled ‘Bind ValueSet’ appears. Click it.
    2. Another dialog appears titled ‘Bind Valueset’. Enter the name of the Valueset you created above and click ‘find’.
    3. Your ValueSet should be displayed. Click the select link alongside it, then the ‘select’ button to the upper right.
    4. The ‘Add Child’ dialog is re-displayed. Click the ‘Add’ button to the upper right. The ‘Create new ExtensionDefinition’ dialog re-appears.
  6. Click the ‘Save’ button (upper right) to save the new Extension Definition.

Here’s a screen shot of the new Extension Definition just before clicking Save.


The profile is going to be the ‘template’ that we’ll use to create the Resource Instance from (ie the real resource that is attached to a patient).

The steps:

  1. From the main clinFHIR screen click the gear icon and select ‘Profiles’. The Profile Explorer screen is displayed.
  2. Enter your name (or something else) as the publisher. Click the ‘magnifying glass’ icon. There probably won’t be any profiles.
  3. Click the ‘new Profile’ button on the top right
  4. Enter a name into the dialog and click ‘check’ to make sure the name isn’t already being used.
  5. Set the ‘Resource Type being profiled’ to ‘Condition’. The Save button will appear (upper right)
  6. Enter the descriptions then click save.
  7. The profile explorer is displayed. Click the ‘magnifying glass’ icon. The new profile is listed in the left. Click it.
  8. The details of the profile are displayed on the right, along with buttons at the bottom. Click the ‘Details/Edit’ button.
  9. The profile details screen is displayed. Click the ‘Edit this profile’ link (upper right).
  10. Click the Condition node that is on the top of the tree. A description of the node appears in the right, along with a button labeled ‘Add extension’. Click it.
  11. A dialog should appear with the list of extensions appropriate for this resource type, including yours. Select it in the list, then click the Select button to the upper right. The profile screen is re-displayed, with the new extension at the bottom.
  12. Remove elements you don’t want to support by selecting them in the tree, then clicking the ‘remove from profile’ button that appears.
  13. When complete, click the Save button (upper right) to save the profile.

Here’s the tree view of the profile:

and the mindmap (note that the mindmap is not updated as the profile is updated – I had to save the profile and re-edit it to get it. I’ll fix that…)

Build example resource

Finally you are ready to build an example resource using this profile.


  1. Re-load clinFHIR. In fact, it’s often a good idea to do this every now & then.
  2. The profile you created should be in the middle list. Click to select it.
  3. Select a patient from the left list (or create a new one). The ‘New Resource Instance’ button should appear to the upper right.
  4. Click the ‘New Resource Instance’ button. The resource builder screen should be displayed, with the profiled resource it it.
  5. Click on the moon phase extension datatype. The CodeableConcept editor should appear in the upper right. Entering the first 3 letters of any of the values from the ValueSet should trigger the autocomplete. Allowing you to select from the list of possible values. You can also click the ‘Explore ValueSet’ link to look at the whole ValueSet. The ‘Compose’ tab in the dialog shows the permissible values. (The Expand tab will not work).

Here’s a screen shot of the resource editor with the profile selected and a value for the extension being selected.

And here’s the resource instance itself. Note that the instance has a profile tag indicating that it claims conformance to that profile.

And that concludes the walk through. I noted a number of things as I did this:

And a reminder that clinFHIR is not a fully featured authoring tool like Forge – it’s primarily a training tool, which means that functionality is confined to a specific sub-set (especially in profiling) and that it works best with resources created with the tool. (and can be temperamental at times…)

If you do try this out, do let me know of any errors or inconstancies you find.

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