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FHIR Versions and Conformance URLs

As you probably know, there are a number of ‘conformance’ resources in FHIR that have a unique ‘canonical’ Url that identifies them globally. Other resources that need to refer to them can do so by addressing them by that URL – for example when a profile (Core or Derived) binds a coded element to a ValueSet, it does so via that URL – as does a Profile referencing an Extension Definition (both Profile and Extension Definition are StructureDefinition resources).

Looking at the definition of the Url in the spec:

For StructureDefinition:

An absolute URI that is used to identify this structure definition when it is referenced in a specification, model, design or an instance. This SHALL be a URL, SHOULD be globally unique, and SHOULD be an address at which this structure definition is (or will be) published. The URL SHOULD include the major version of the structure definition.

For ValueSet

An absolute URI that is used to identify this value set when it is referenced in a specification, model, design or an instance. This SHALL be a URL, SHOULD be globally unique, and SHOULD be an address at which this value set is (or will be) published. The URL SHOULD include the major version of the value set.

So how do you accomplish this across different versions of FHIR?

Before we get into that, let’s just address that comment about the ‘major version’. In addition to the canonical URL, both ValueSet and StructureDefinition have a ‘version’ property. This is intended to be a ‘business version’ – i.e. when the contents of the resource change substantially, and is not the same as the FHIR versioning that occurs as resources are updated on a server. This is described in more detail here, but it’s basically a decision of the author when the business version changes – for example when you remove a concept from a ValueSet you may wish to change the version, but if adding a new one you may not.

So back to FHIR versions.

The issue around FHIR versioning starts to resolve when you separate the definition of the resources from its representation.

Take an example of a ValueSet  – say the set of iwi in New Zealand. (An iwi is a tribal affiliation for the Maori in New Zealand). At any point in time, there is a fixed set of iwi – you can get the list from here if you are interested. When we create the canonical URL for that ValueSet it is independent of the FHIR version – because when the FHIR version changes, the contents of the ValueSet does not.

So for this example we’d create a url like – and it will remain the same regardless of FHIR version. The actual root of the Url will depend on who ‘controls’ the contents of the ValueSet – in this example we chose the Ministry of Health, but it might also be Stats New Zealand – or even HL7 New Zealand. For the purposes of this discussion it doesn’t really matter – just that we want it to be consistent across FHIR versions.

So far so good, but the spec states that it should also be the location of the resource – how will that work? As always, there are a number of ways that we could do that.

If we only ever supported a single version of FHIR then it would be simple – just host the ValueSet at the location But that’s a rather naïve assumption to make. Until the resource is ‘normative’, then the structure may well change – and we can hardly expect every user of the resource to change versions at the same time.

An alternative is to host the resource at a version dependent url, but have an ‘http redirect’ that redirects from the ‘canonical url’ to the most recent one. In this way the resource can always be located using that url, but the previous versions are maintained and available. Of course, the onus is still on the client to go to the version-specific Url if they are not using the current version – but at least it is manageable. And once the resource does go normative, then we will no longer need the redirect – we could host directly at the url.

A complementary strategy is to also host the resource in a registry – the International FHIR registry (created by the good folk at Furore) is now available, and it’s really a no-brainer to place a copy there. Plus, of course there may be other registries – such as a National registry.

So to take our Iwi ValueSet example – and assuming that we need to host STU2 & 3 versions of the ValueSet, we now have:

(Note that in the hosting examples we are assuming that the logical Id of the resource is the same as the URL property. This is not required – but desirable).

If we create a profile or an extension containing an element that is bound to that ValueSet, then a client wishing to retrieve the ValueSet can either query directly for that ValueSet like so:


This will return the most recent FHIR version of the ValueSet directly via a redirect to

If they want a previous version, then they could go directly to the hosting endpoint:


Or they could query the international registry like this:


This will return a Bundle with (hopefully) a single resource.


After a couple of off-line conversations, I’ve come to appreciate that the desire for the URL’s to be directly resolvable is unlikely to occur widely until the resources themselves are normative – ie their structure will only change in ‘non-breaking’ way. We really don’t want the canonical URL’s to be version specific, and given that we need to expose them in a version specific way (ie with the FHIR version in the path), then the redirect suggested here is the only way I can see that will work if resolving directly – and it will only work for a single fhir version at a time. What it does bring home is that right now FHIR clients should be aware that they may not receive the version they expect – and plan accordingly (at least until normative!). At least, that is how clinFHIR works…

A better alternative right now is the use of Registries as described above – effectively repositories of these conformance resources indexed by URL. When a client wishes to retrieve a referenced resource, they query the registry for that resource using the canonical URL, rather than resolving the link directly. The registry could expose its search at version specific endpoints, thus allowing the client to specify the version they require.




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