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Mapping HL7 Version 2 to FHIR Messages

When thinking about how FHIR is going to be implemented ‘for real’, it’s likely that ‘green fields’ applications – where there is no existing standard in use – will be early adopters – mobile is an obvious example.

But inevitably, we’re going to need to manage situations where HL7 standards are already in use and we want to introduce FHIR as well – i.e. the two standards are going to co-exist.

There’s a lot of work underway with mapping CDA (and CCDA in particular) to FHIR resources – indeed this work will provide a valuable ‘peer review’ for the completeness of FHIR resources, but in this post let’s have a look at how we might introduce FHIR into an existing HL7 version 2 based infrastructure.

Now, this is a really big area to cover, so we’ll use a specific – and small – Use Case to guide our discussion – we’ll take an HL7 version 2.4 ORU message (technically an ORU^R01 containing a radiology result), and produce a FHIR message that we can submit to a FHIR server, which will then save the Observation in the data store.

To keep things reasonably simple (yet be realistic) we’ll have a single OBX segment with the result in it. In practice, we’d likely have multiple OBX segments – each of which would be a separate Observation resource in our message (plus NTE segments and others). And note that some of the segments aren’t used – we’re only pulling out the data we need to populate our message. If we were planning a ‘2 way’ transform – ie retaining the ability to recreate the v2 message from the FHIR one, then we’d probably need to capture more of the data – and likely need some extensions as well.

In this post we’re just going to consider the creation of the FHIR message containing the Radiology observation (and supporting resources) – we can consider the architecture and workflow aspects of subsequently processing the message in another post.

And remember that HL7 v2 can be used in many different ways (if you’ve seen one v2 implementation…) so this analysis is highly specific to this use case.

Here’s a sample of what the v2 message might look like:

MSH|^~\&|Amalga HIS|BUM|New Tester|MS|20111121103141||ORU^R01|2847970-201111211031|P|2.4|||AL|NE|764|ASCII|||
PID||100005056|100005056||Dasher^Mary^""^^""|""|19810813000000|F||CA|Street 1^""^""^""^34000^SGP^^""~""^""^""^""^Danling Street 5th^THA^^""||326-2275^PRN^PH^^66^675~476-5059^ORN^CP^^66^359~-000-9999^ORN^FX^^66^222~^NET^X.400^a@a.a~^NET^X.400^|123456789^WPN^PH^^66|UNK|S|BUD||BP000111899|D99999^""||CA|Bangkok|||THA||THA|""|N
PV1||OPD   ||||""^""^""||||CNSLT|||||C|VIP|||6262618|PB1||||||||||||||||||||||||20101208134638
OBR|1|""|BMC1102771601|""^Brain (CT)||20111028124215||||||||||||||||||CTSCAN|F||^^^^^ROUTINE|||""||||||""|||||||||||^""
OBX|1|FT|""^Brain (CT)||++++ text of report goes here +++|||REQAT|||F|||20111121103040||75929^Gosselin^Angelina

So there are 7 segments in our incoming HL7 v2 message:

Segment Purpose FHIR Resource
MSH Message header MessageHeader
PID Patient Identification Patient
PV1 Patient Visit Not used in this example
PV2 Patient Visit – Additional data Not used in this example
ORC Common Order Not used in this example
OBR Observation Request Observation
OBX Observation ObservationProvider


Heres what our FHIR bundle will look like:

  • MessageHeader
  • Observation
  • Patient (Subject of the Observation)
  • Provider (Performer of the Observation)

As a basis of the analysis we’ll the mappings that are in the FHIR specification (at the top of each resource page there are tabs for the content, examples, formal definitions, mappings & profiles )

So here’s how we can create each resource – with some notes about the choices we need to make.


The bundle is an atom feed, and the id of the bundle is a globally unique ID (eg a UUID) that represents the FHIR message as a whole. This is distinct to the MessageHeader ID which is important when dealing with errors that occur during messaging (see the spec for a discussion of this).


A FHIR message is a bundle of resources, with the MessageHeader resource as the first resource (and a tag on the bundle) . There’s a pretty good mapping between MSH and MessageHeader:

Element V2 segment Description
Identifier MSH-10 Message Control ID
Timestamp MSH-7 Message Date/time
Event MSH-9.2 observation-provideDerived from the second component of the Message Type field. Its value comes from HL7 table 3 MSH-3 Sending application name MSH-3  Sending application name
Source.endpoint MSH-24 Sending network address MSH-5 Receiving application
Destination.endpoint MSH-25 Receiving network address
data References to the ‘root’ resource of the message.

Some notes.


This is the resource that holds the actual thing that we want to represent – in this case a radiology result – and Observation is one of the most flexible resources in the FHIR stable.

Here’s the mapping summary table:

Element V2 segment comment
name OBX-3
valueString OBX-5 OBX-5 holds the actual value of the observation
interpretation OBX-8
comments NTE-3 See note below
appliesDateTime OBX-14
issued OBR.22
status OBX-11 Observation Result Status
reliability OBR-25
identifier OBX-21
subject Reference to the Patient
performer Reference to the Practitioner

Some notes:



In FHIR, the Patient is a separate resource (maybe not even on the same server as the observation), and the Observation will have a reference to it (as the subject). So we need to find the Patient in whatever server it is stored and retrieve its url. We might also need to create the Patient if we can’t find it – though this will depend on the policies of the implementation, which might require that the patient exist first.

The way we’ll search for a patient will be using the patient identifier from the PID segment. PID-3 has a list of patient identifiers that we can use – each being a CX datatype, so equivalent to FHIRs identifier datatype. We need to query the Patient server to see if the Patient already exists, using the appropriate identifier (based on the namespace). If it exists, then we have the reference. If not then we can use the data in the PID segment to create a new Patient resource – if policy allows. Here are the steps:

Using the identifier from the v2 message, query the FHIR server as follows:

GET [patientserver]/patient?identifier={identifier}

Note that it’s possible to offload all this lookup to the server by using the internal search facility of a transaction (we talked about that here) – but I’m not sure that functionality applies for message processing, and in any case we can’t assume that all servers will have that functionality, so we’ll do it the long way.

And also note that we are assuming that the server processing the message has the ability to create Patient resources locally. If not, then we’ll need to create the Patient as a separate step as we did with a remote Patient server. (We’ll think about message processing in more detail when we think about workflow in another post)


The observation has a performer element which is the person/device who performed the observation. In our case this will be a Provider though a device is another common use – we’ll think about the implications of that in another post.

The same considerations will apply to the Provider as it did for the Patient in terms of finding a resource and providing it as a reference to the Observation, but there are a couple of extra hooks:

In our case we’ll choose OBX-16 – responsible observer. This has the added advantage that the v2 datatype for this field is XCN (Extended Composite ID Number and Name for Persons) –which means that we should have enough detail to create a provider resource if we need to (provided that all the fields in the message are populated of course).

Last Words

When I started this exercise, I assumed that the mapping exercise would be straightforward – and at a high level it is reasonably so. However, like all v2 implementations there is a considerable amount of choice when mapping – perhaps not too surprising given the complexity of healthcare. Even if vendors provide tooling with ‘standard’ mappings’  and automated narrative generation, I expect that most implementations are going to require some ‘tweaking’ of those mappings for individual resources…

And many of the choices made in this post can certainly be challenged!

The question of ‘policy’ arose quite a bit – what should systems do in certain circumstances like new Patient’s or where there are multiple patients with the same identifier or what to do when a Provider can’t be found – is also rather more important than I had anticipated.

Which reminds me of Grahames second law (he’s obviously a fan of Asimov) You can move complexity around, but you can’t make it go away.

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