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Provider Directories – part 1

So I’ve been sort of following the Validated Directory track at the Connectathon in San Antonio. I say ‘sort of’ because I’m interested in the idea of using the VerificationResult resource to track the provenance of individual entries in a registry (though I’m not entirely clear about the relationship between VerificationResult and Provenance).

Update: After a chat with those who know these things, the Provenance resource indicates who actually created the resource, while the VerificationResult is who said the information was correct. So I might create a Practitioner resource with my qualifications (so the Provenance points to me) while my Medical School confirms that I do, indeed, have a medical degree – which would be the VerificationResult. And there could be multiple VerificationResults if, say, the check needed to be repeated.

The first thing to do is to set up my own directory server. The approach I’m taking is to use a ‘vanilla’ FHIR server (HAPI) as the actual data repository, with a layer in front of it to manage any specific business functionality I need. As we discussed in described in a previous post, I’m currently using Node-RED as my prototyping environment, so this is the overall architecture I’m using:

(Note that I’ve added a couple of security components that I think I’m going to need later on – more on that later).

So I started by firing up (sorry) a new instance of a DigitalOcean cloud server, and installed Node-RED and a HAPI CLI server on it. These were vanilla installs – though I did enable CORS on the Node-RED server so it can be accessed from other browser apps like clinFHIR or conMan, and I also added all the StructureDefinition files for the R4 FHIR release (as VerificationResult  is new in R4 – actually level 0 in maturity, so brand new).

Having got the environment set up, the next task is to populate it with some sample data. The Validated Directory project helpfully supplies reference servers with sample data – so the easiest approach was to ‘borrow’ some resources from one of those servers (apparently Eric Haas is the original source of the data). The easiest approach was to create a Node-RED flow to this – here’s what it looks like.

There are a number of interesting points about this flow.

So the next node (a function node) does this for us. Here’s what the code looks like:

var bundle = {resourceType:'Bundle',type:'transaction',entry:[]}

//create a verifying organization
var organization = {resourceType:'Organization',id:'cfImporter'} = 'Importer';

//and add to the bundle...

    var practitioner = entry.resource;
    //remove root extensions (some are causing errors)
    delete practitioner.extension;
    //add an hpi identitier
    var identifer = {system:''}
    //add to the insert bundle

    //create the Verification resource
    var vr = {resourceType:'VerificationResult'} = 'vr'+ inx; = {reference:'Practitioner/'}
    vr.status = 'validated';
    vr.attestation = {who:{reference:'Organization/'}}

msg.payload = bundle;
return msg;

function addToBundle(resource) {
    //add a tag to all imported resources (so we can differentiate them from others)
    resource.meta = resource.meta || {}
    resource.meta.tag = resource.meta.tag || []
    var entry = {resource:resource,request:[]}
    var request = {method:'PUT',url: resource.resourceType + '/'}

Some notes:

So that completes the import script (for now). We’ll likely re-visit it later as we add more resources, but here’s the relationships between resources as it currently stands:

So now we can complete the first scenario in the track (retrieve a single practitioner with associated VerificationResult. The following query will do it (scroll sideways to see the full thing):


Note that this uses the _revinclude (reverse include) query parameter – effectively it is saying to return the Practitioner (hopefully only 1) that has the HPI identifier of ‘hpiNumber3’, and any associated VerificationResult  resources that reference it. It’s a query – so the response will be a bundle of resources.

So that’s enough for the moment.  Next up we’ll deviate from the Connectathon script to think about exposing our own API that accesses the FHIR data through our Node-RED instance, and more closely matches what we need in New Zealand (or, at least what I think we need 🙂 ).

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