IHE MHD (Mobile Health Data) and FHIR

Just noticed John Moehrke’s post on the recent IHE MHD connectathon. I love the way that this shows how the different organizations involved in healthcare interoperability are working together rather than taking opposing views…

Groups of patients in FHIR

I was approached by one of the Dev teams here at Orion Health for some help in ‘FHIR-enabling’ a patient selection service that they have been asked to build. My initial reaction was that we could model this directly as a restful query against /Patient, but after talking to them, the requirements were a bit more complex.

Read more of this post

FHIR for clinicians

Rene Spronk, talking about the importance of FHIR for Clinicians

Interview with Grahame on interoperability

Interesting interview with Grahame – http://www.pulseitmagazine.com.au/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2271:why-is-ehealth-interoperability-so-hard&catid=16:australian-ehealth&Itemid=327

(Sorry about the big link in the text – I’m using a tablet and the editor doesn’t work that well with a touch screen)