Bundle Visualizer for Trans-Tasman Connectathon

So in the previous post about the upcoming Trans-Tasman connectathon I mentioned that I was going to work on a couple of applications in the IPS track – a way of visualizing IPS documents (actually any kind of FHIR document), and a ‘façade’ application that could produce an IPS document on demand from a back-end data source.

This post is an update of where I’ve got to.

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Trans Tasman Connectathon

So the first trans-tasman connectathon (at least in a little while) is going to be held in a few weeks. There are 3 main streams – 2 of them associated with SMART – that Grahame has written about  and the third one is the IPS – International Patient Summary Implementation Guide, which I’m going to attend.

For those unfamiliar with IPS, it defines a base summary (as a FHIR document) of key clinical data about a patient that was originally intended for patients travelling in different countries to be able to provide medical information to healthcare providers data if needed – but has grown a bit larger than that, and is being widely adopted globally.

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