Tamper resistant auditing in FHIR

Had an interesting chat with a colleague here at Orion (Richard) about audit events and signing them, and how to be sure that they haven’t been tampered with (which is apparently a Meaningful Use requirement) so have made a note here for when I forget, as this is an area that I’m not that familiar with. I should also say that there are doubtless other ways of doing this and real life implementations really need to be done by those who are experts – it’s been said that poor security is worse than no security at all…

FHIR provides a specific resource – the SecurityEvent resource – which records some event of importance. This could be anything from creating, reading, deleting or updating other resources, and can serve as the basis for an audit log to answer questions like ‘who has accessed my record’. The resource is based on the IHE ATNA profile, and indicates ‘who‘ did ‘what’ and ‘when’.

The spec states that a server that stores SecurityEvents should not allow them to be updated or deleted – which makes sense for something related to audit – but for the truly paranoid, how can you know this? How can you know that a SecurityEvent resource has not been deleted or modified?

To answer this question, we need a bit of background on some security terminology.

  • A cryptographic hash is a string (sometimes called a digest) that is generated from a source (like a FHIR resource) using some hash function. SHA-256 is an example. The digest that is generated by the function will always be the same when the input is the same, but it is not possible (or more accurately is unfeasible) to regenerate the original from the digest. So, if you have a digest and the original, then you can be sure that the digest ‘matches’ the original by creating a digest yourself and checking that they are the same – kind of like a fingerprint identifies an individual person.
  • Public Key cryptography is a system where there are 2 ‘keys’ that are linked mathematically. It’s possible to encrypt something (producing a signature) with one of the keys, and then to re-generate the original using the other key (So this is ‘two-way’ – unlike the hash which is ‘one-way’). One of the keys is kept secret (the private key) and the other one is shared (a public key). Assuming that you have my public key, then I can encrypt a message with my private key and send it to you. You can use my public key to decode it – and you know that it came from me. The public key is often called a certificate.
  • Of course, for the above to work, you need to be able to trust that you have got my public key – and not that of someone else. This is where a certificate authority (CA) comes in. This is an organization that we both trust which asserts that a particular key pair (public and private) actually belongs to a given person (or organization / thing). You prove to the CA that you are who you say you are, and the CA signs your public certificate with their own one. So – if you get a message encrypted with my private key, and you have my public key (certificate), then you can check that the CA has validated that certificate, and then use it to decode the message. Provide you trust the Certificate Authority, then all is well. The infrastructure that supports all this is referred to as Public Key Infrastructure – or PKI.

Just a couple more things before we move on:

  • The computations required to sign and decode messages using public & private keys can take a long time to run with large input files. What people commonly do is to take a message, produce a hash from that and then sign the hash.
  • This discussion is all about proving who (or what) created a resource – the integrity of that resource. The actual encryption of the contents is a separate discussion.
  • It can get a lot more complicated than this! This is not a simple area…

So with the basics behind us, how can we be sure that our SecurityEvent resources have not been tampered with? One way is to use a signed Provenance resource that refers to the SecurityEvent. This would be created by the same application that created the SecurityEvent.

A key assumption to make is where do we get the signers public key (certificate) from? There are a number of options for this, and the details will vary for each particular implementation (as far as I am aware there is no intention for FHIR to move into this space).

One possibility is to actually store the certificate in the signature itself! This sounds silly, but the idea is that the certificate is signed by a Certificate Authority. So, if we trust that Authority, then we trust that they assigned it to the right person. We’ll use that for the example below.

This process would go something like this.

  1. The application creates and saves the SecurityEvent resource.
  2. Next, it creates a Provenance resource. The provenance resource will refer back to the SecurityEvent resource (Provenance.target).
  3. Next generate a Hash of the SecurityEvent resource.
  4. Create a signature by encrypting the Hash using the systems private key, and include the public key (certificate) in the signature, which is then saved in the Provenance resource. (Provenance.integritySignature).
  5. Save the Provenance resource.

All of the above steps would need to be executed on the server in a single transaction.

So, with that in place how can I check that a particular resource hasn’t been altered? Well:

  1. Retrieve the SecurityEvent resource I want to check
  2. Generate a Hash of the resource using the same hash function as before.
  3. Retrieve the Provenance resource that refers to that SecurityEvent. (This would be a query against Provenance – /Provenance?target={ SecurityEvent.ID} ). The element Provenance.integritySignature has the signature generated by the system that signed it.
  4. Extract the signers Certificate from the signature, and make sure that the issuing CA (in the Certificate) is one that I trust. (Actually, there can be a whole chain of CA’s – but let’s not go there…)
  5. Using that Certificate, decode the rest of the signature. This will produce the original Hash, which should be the same as the one generated in step 2. If they match, then you can be sure that the SecurityEvent is the same as when it was signed. If not, you have a problem.

So what stops the bad guy from altering the signature in the Provenance? Well, they don’t have the private key of the signing system, so can’t encode the hash in a way that can be decoded by the public key (certificate) of the signing system. If they do put their own certificate in, then the CA to which it refers (and that I trust) tells me it was someone else.

The whole thing depends on being able to keep the private key of the signing system secret, and having certificates – maybe from a CA – that we both trust.

Couple of questions that come to mind.

Why not just sign the SecurityEvent resource and add the signature to it directly? Well, the problem with that is that the signature is ‘signing’ the whole SecurityEvent resource. If the digest is a part of that resource, then you have to generate the digest and then add it to the resource and then… oh wait … we’re just modified the resource and therefore the digest is invalid…

How do you know if a SecurityEvent has been deleted? After all, the bad guy could delete both SecurityEvent and Provenance? One way around this is for each SecurityEvent to refer to the previously created SecurityEvent in a chain (You’d need an extension for this in FHIR). That way you can ‘walk the chain’ to make sure there are none missing – and provided you check each SecurityEvent as you go, you know that the bad guy hasn’t changed any of the links.

Security is a complex topic, and this merely scratches the surface of what is required to implement correctly – it’s a high level overview and not an implementation guide.  To understand more – John Moehrke is one of the acknowledged experts in this space in healthcare.

About David Hay
I'm an independent contractor working with a number of Organizations in the health IT space. I'm an HL7 Fellow, Chair Emeritus of HL7 New Zealand and a co-chair of the FHIR Management Group. I have a keen interest in health IT, especially health interoperability with HL7 and the FHIR standard. I'm the author of a FHIR training and design tool - clinFHIR - which is sponsored by InterSystems Ltd.

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