Using clinFHIR to create a profile

In the previous post, we outlined our plans for creating a profile against the Patient resource, and manually created and saved some of the supporting resources (ValueSet and our NamingSystem) that we’re going to need.

Next up is the extension definition and the actual profile against Patient. Once we’ve done that (which is the topic of this post) we can actually create conformant resources.

Fortunately, we can use clinFHIR to create these artifacts, so start up that application and select the ‘profile builder’ from the front page. (And a reminder that this is very much ‘beta’ software designed for training! Let me know of any issues)

The overall process we’ll follow is this.

  1. Select the base resource that we are going to profile (Patient)
  2. Disable the photo (and anything else we don’t want in our profile – like animal for example)
  3. Set the Identifier to be one only, and set the required system (NHI)
  4. Create a new extension definition that will record the patients Iwi
  5. Add the extension to the profile
  6. Save the profile.

To work.

There’s a dropdown labeled ‘Base Resource’ on the toolbar. Click it, and select the ‘Patient’ type. After a brief delay, the elements of the Patient resource will be displayed in the left side of the screen. Here’s what it looks like.

profile builder

There are 6 columns.

The Path is the ‘location’ of the element in the resource. If you click on it then a detailed display will be shown on the right side. We’ll use this when we set the NamingSystem for identifier, but it has other capabilities we’ll talk about another time (or just click around and see what things do!).

Card stands for ‘cardinality’ – how many of these elements can be in an instance.

DataType is just that. Neither Cardinality nor dataType will do anything if clicked.

Then there are 3 checkboxes.

Req is required. If we select this checkbox then we are saying that our profile requires that this element must be present in a conformant instance. You’ll notice that if the element is already required in the base resource, then the box is missing. You can’t make a required element optional in a profile. (It’s a wee bit more complex than that, but that will do for now)

Mult stands for multiple. If checked then it means that there can be more than one of these elements in a conformant resource. Note that you can only make an element that is already multiple become single – you can’t do it the other way around.

Incl is include. If this is unchecked then the element is not available in the profile. Do this for photo to remove it from your profile. If you remove other elements, just be aware that the display is a ‘flattened hierarchy’ and be careful to remove all the elements you need to. For example, if you wanted to remove ‘animal’, then you’d need to remove Patient.animal, Patient.animal.species, Patient.animal.breed and Patient.animal.genderStatus. If you are inconsistent here, then the profile will be a bit weird.

Next let’s adjust Patient.Identifier.

Uncheck the ‘mult’ checkbox – and note that the cardinality changes from 0..* to 0..1    If you want to make it required as well, then check the req. box – and the cardinality becomes 1..1 and the path colour becomes red.

Now to set the system. Click on the path ‘Patient.identifier’ and then in the details on the right hand side drop down the ‘system’ combo box. This box has a list of all the known NamingSystem resources in the registry. NHI should be there, and you can select it.

Now for the extension.

We’ll create the extension definition first, then attach it to our profile, and finally save the profile. Now, in real use you’d first search to see if there was an extension already defined that you could use – re-use of extension definitions is a good thing as it makes it more likely that a resource consumer will understand your extension. We’ll just create one to see how that works.

First of all click on the ‘Patient’ path. This indicates that we are adding the extension at the ‘root’ of the resource. It’s possible to add an extension to any element (including another extension) and even to a datatype – though clinFHIR doesn’t support that as yet.

To the upper right of the profile builder is a button titled ‘New’ under an ‘Extension’ label. Click that. You should get a screen that looks like the screenshot below. (Oh, you can see the ‘Find’ button there as well if you know that there is already an extension for you to use).

new extension

The first thing to do is to enter the name of the extension. This should be descriptive of what the extension is about (clinFHIR will use that to create an id for the extension). For example we used ‘nziwi’. When you tab or click out of the field, clinFHIR will query the server to determine if there is already an extension with that id in the registry. If there isn’t then ‘save’ buttons will appear at the top and bottom of the form. If there is, then you will get a warning that you are going to replace an existing extension and have the opportunity to change the name and id.

This does bring up an interesting topic about governance of these definitions – we’ll touch on that later. For now, just be sure to choose a name that hasn’t been used before.

Enter a more complete description in the next field (this is mandatory) but you may as well leave the other fields in the first column as they are.

Next up is the datatype. This is a coded extension, so the datatype we want is CodeableConcept. Drop down the selection box in the upper right  and select CodeableConcept from the list. When you do so, 2 new fields appear – Binding and Binding strength.

Binding is the term used to describe the association between a property in the resource (including an extension) and the ValueSet that contains the set of values – there’s a section in the spec that discusses terminologies that is worth reviewing.

Click on the link ‘Find ValueSet’. This brings up the ValueSet explorer which allows you to select a ValueSet, and also to browse its contents. (This explorer is the same one used in the resource builder). The ‘search’ tab should be displayed.

In the ‘name’ field enter ‘iwi’ and click ‘search’. After a short delay (while clinFHIR queries the registry) you will get a list of matching ValueSets – hopefully the ValueSet we created last time will be in that list. Click to select it. There are tabs that allow you to examine the ValueSet – when you’ve had a good look around, click the Select button to confirm that this is the ValueSet you want and return to the extension definition screen.

You can change the Binding Strength if you want to, and/or select Patient as the resource type (if you leave resource type blank then that means that the extension can be applied to any resource).

When done click the Save button. clinFHIR will save the resource to the registry and return to the profile screen.

Back in the profile builder main screen, a summary of the extension definition is displayed in the right column, with a button below it that says something like “Add to profile at path: Patient”. Click this button, and you’ll see the extension added to the list of elements on the left side. Note that if you don’t click this button, the extension definition will have been created, but not added to the profile.

(Note that the above process created and saved an extension definition for iwi. Once created it can be re-used any time it makes sense – for example if you create another Patient profile, you can just find this extension definition rather than re-creating it. New Zealand Iwi may not be all that re-usable, but you get the idea).

Here’s a screenshot of the completed profile. The Patient.identifier path has been clicked so you can see how the system has been selected.


So that completes the profile – click the ‘Save’ button to the upper right which will bring up a dialog where you can set the name of the profile and/or view the contents. As you did for the extension definition, set the name and then tab out of the field so clinFHIR can see if you are about to overwrite an existing profile.

You have just created the profile!

Now, this might all look complicated, but you need to remember that all of this is about making our changes discoverable, understandable and computable – so therefore interoperable. And, really, when you understand what is the purpose of each part and how they relate to each other, then it’s really quite straightforward.

It’s also worth pointing out that FHIR itself is build on the same framework as we’ve described here – truly an example of eating your own dog food

In the next post we’ll look at creating conformant resources, and talk a bit about what a ‘conformant resource’ actually means.

The last thing to mention is governance. As you can see, it’s really easy to create the FHIR artifacts needed for profiling – and really easy to obliterate resources that have the same name. This can, of course, have potentially disastrous consequences and so a good governance framework – and a robust registry – is going to be essential when using profiling in the real world. A topic for another time!

About David Hay
I'm an independent contractor working with a number of Organizations in the health IT space. I'm an HL7 Fellow, Chair Emeritus of HL7 New Zealand and a co-chair of the FHIR Management Group. I have a keen interest in health IT, especially health interoperability with HL7 and the FHIR standard. I'm the author of a FHIR training and design tool - clinFHIR - which is sponsored by InterSystems Ltd.

12 Responses to Using clinFHIR to create a profile

  1. Pingback: Building resources from FHIR profiles. | Hay on FHIR

  2. Nhan Le Vie says:

    Dear Sir,
    I tried to use the ClinFHIR to create the Logical Modeler on the “Public HAPI R4 server”. If i use the function “Delete Model” from ClinFHIR, my model just will be marked as deleted. How to the delete fully this my Model from the “HAPI R4 Servre”?

    • David Hay says:

      Hi – Unfortunately you can’t. The app uses the FHIR server to save the model, and these are implemented as soft deletions. Having said that – there appears to be a bug at the moment and deletions aren’t occurring at all! I need to fix that…

      • Nhan Le Vie says:

        Thanks for your reply.
        By the way, I have a question, you have any guide document on how to adjust the core resources that match practical requirements with the new version of ClinFHIR?
        For example, I want to add a set of value related to ethnic groups in Vietnam to Patient Profile (#50 ethenic groups). I have refer to and try to follow the “Using ClinFHIR to Create A Profile”, but still can’t do it.
        I just start learning about FHIR and want to apply FHIR to my HIS project, so my understanding was very limited.
        First, I hope to try practicing on the definition of VN’s Ethnic ValueSet and apply this ValueSet to the Patient Resource. I can then think further about mapping my data model with FHIR Resources.

        Looking forward to getting help from you,
        Best regards,

      • David Hay says:

        I think you’re talking about profiling – adapting FHIR to meet your specific needs. Take a look at profiling in the spec for more info –

  3. Nhan Le Vie says:

    Why can’t I create a new Extension Definition on the ClinFHIR?
    After clicking on the “New Extension Defintion” button, the ClinFHIR will display the “View Extension Definition” poup up.
    Although I tried to enter a new name, but I still didn’t see any response on the UI.
    Best regards,

  4. Nhan Le Vie says:

    I tried to use ClinFHIR to create a new logical modeller according to my Uses-Case (Model name is Spatient). Now, how to create a patient profile based on SPatient?
    Best regards,

  5. Nhan Le Vie says:

    How do I perform clinical data in the real world with the created logical modeller set in ClinFHIR?
    Best regards,

    • Lloyd McKenzie says:

      In general, you’re not supposed to share instances based on logical models. If you do so, you won’t be considered FHIR-conformant and you won’t interoperate with other systems.

      • David Hay says:

        Yeah – the purpose of the logical model is to collect the information you want to share as a prelude to profiling. It makes it easier to liaise with business owners who aren’t that interested in the mechanics of profiling, or the details of the underlying resources needed to support sharing.

  6. Nhan Le Vie says:

    Yes, that is the opinion I want to ask.
    I used ClinFHIR to create a logical model for my own use (model name is “sPatient”). Now, how do I create profile for each individual based on the logical model I have created, such as personal records for patients A, B, C …

    • David Hay says:

      So the logical model has the information you want to collect – but not aligned to the actual FHIR resource types (Patient in this case). The profile takes the information, but aligns it with the FHIR resource – often by creating (or finding) extensions for data elements that aren’t in the resource type. For example, you might have an element called ‘eyeColour’ in your logical mode, but you’ll need to create an extension for that when you want to create a resource instance (ie a real person) and indicate their eye colour.

      They are both ‘design’ constructs – not the actual patient data.

      Think of the profile as if it were a cookie cutter – it defines the ‘shape’ of the cookie – but it isn’t the actual cookie – that is the resource instance in this analogy.

      You don’t actually need a profile to create an instance (ie a real patient) – but it helps to describe the extra bits (extensions) that you may have.

      You might want to search youtube or the web for FHIR presentations – there is a lot of info out there that describes this in more detail. There’s also the FHIR chat ( which is a great way to join the community – and ask questions.

      FHIR makes sharing health data easier – but it’s still hard!

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