Referral requests in FHIR

In conjunction with the Patient Care workgroup, we’re currently working on the ReferralRequest Resource. You can see a draft here, and the here is the resource request (but do be aware that it is very much a work in progress, and WILL change prior to appearing in the next DSTU).

Referrals are one of the most interesting (and contentious) aspects of the ‘art of medicine’ – particularly in this era of increasing ‘shared care’ where many providers (clinical and other) are going to be involved in a patients care.
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Referrals, Orders and FHIR

One of the resources that didn’t make the DSTU was a resource to represent Referrals – and this is something that the Working Group is starting to address. However, the concept of referrals is something that crosses a number of concepts in FHIR, so I thought I’d make a few notes here before we get started. (and to give credit where it is due, I’ve had some pointers from Lloyd about the best fit within FHIR – I take responsibility for the errors!.)

Lets start by thinking what we mean by a referral – and what we would expect of a system managing referrals.

Fundamentally, referrals are a formal way of asking some other person to become involved in a patients care. A couple of examples:

  • A primary care clinician (ambulatory care) has a patient with severe osteoarthritis and refers her to an Orthopaedic Surgeon for consideration of hip replacement.
  • The same clinician sees another patient with raised HBA1c and other symptoms of diabetes and refers him to the local diabetes clinic for management.
  • A patient in hospital for a routine procedure has symptoms suggestive of angina, and is referred to the Cardiac team for assessment.
  • A patient is referred for physiotherapy after a stroke.

And there are lots of other examples of course (and I’ve glossed over some important things like responsibility for care).

So there are a number of ‘parts’ to the referral:

  • There’s the general workflow stuff – there’s a sender and a recipient. It’s about someone (and that could be the sender in a self referral for that matter). The sender wants to know that the referral was received, and is being actioned.
  • Then there’s more specific workflow that’s related to referral management. It’s common for multiple people to examine a referral – to triage it, put it in waiting lists, create appointments, and possibly re-direct it to other recipients. One referral might lead to another being made or to other orders (like radiology and laboratory investigations) being made. The sender should be aware of all these activities. This workflow can be specific to the recipient.
  • There’s clinical information about the referral – what is the reason for the referral. What is the urgency (from the view of the sender/patient). What are the expectations of the sender. What is the clinical information that is directly pertinent to the referral (such as the raised HBA1c in the example above).
  • And finally there’s the other clinical content that is not (perhaps) directly related to reason for referral, but is nevertheless important that the recipient know about. Usual medications, co-morbidities and allergies are examples of common clinical information that are almost always included in referrals regardless of the reason.


In FHIR, there are already a number of resources that manage some of these (and we hate duplication don’t we?).

There’s the Order and the OrderResponse resources that are intended to manage the workflow aspects of healthcare.  If we have workflow requirements that are not met by these resources, then we should enhance them rather than duplication in our referral. (For example, a likely requirement is going to be the ability for one referral to reference another – we might want to know all the actions that were associated with a referral for costing purposes – so we might want a ‘relatedTo’ reference on an Order).

And we often think of a referral as if it were a document – in fact, in manual systems a referral is often written on a predefined template supplied by the recipient to ensure they receive the information they need to properly manage the referral. So we have the Questionnaire as a mechanism for defining that template, and the Composition if we do want to represent the referral as a formal, signed & asserted document.

And if we do go down a document paradigm, then we might want to use the DocumentReference resource as a way being able to refer to the document (perhaps we wish to display the referral with other documents in the patient record, or find similar/related referrals)

And finally there are all the clinical resources that may be included.

(Which of these resources are actually needed in any specific implementation will depend on the overall system design and architecture, but we do want to be sure that they have been designed to work together and not overlap in terms of functionality.)

So what belongs in the referral resource?

Well, as a strawman proposal lets start with:

  • Sender, Patient and recipient. These are going to be duplicated in Order, but they are fundamental to a referral and so probably belong here as well. (And both DiagnosticOrder and MedicationPrescription which are similar have them, so we’re in good company).
  • The reason for the referral. This could be a CodeableConcept or a string – we possibly want both, one for analysis and automated management and the other for humans (though the CodeableConcept has a text property, so a separate property may be overkill)
  • Details of the referral. Clinicians commonly like narrative in a referral.
  • The Priority and Urgency
  • The actions we wish the recipient to perform. This might be a ‘please see and advise’ through to a ‘please perform this action’
  • Supporting clinical information. Likely the clinical impression that led to the referral will be mentioned in the details – here is where the other important stuff like medications and co-morbidities can go.
  • Attachments.
  • Possibly a direct link to a Careplan resource since careplans can indicate when a referral is required (as can a Protocol – when we have one).

Lets finish this off by working through a real scenario – with a given architecture – and see how all this might work. Note that this is only one possible design…

We’ll go with a document based metaphor and assume there is a document repository that can hold the referral and the referral templates, and an orders management system that holds the Order resource. These could be native FHIR servers, or existing components with a FHIR façade.


  1. The sender locates and downloads the questionnaire resource that has the referral requirements of the recipient
  2. The sender assembles a document that contains the referral resource, a composition and the clinical data plus attachments. The document is submitted to the registry/repository (there is probably a DocuemntReference resource in there as well).
  3. The sender creates a Order which has a reference back to the referral document and submits that to the Orders Management system
  4. The recipient has a ‘pub/sub’ feed from the Orders management, and so retrieves the order and from that the reference to the referral document.
  5. They download the document (Or, hopefully, process it ‘in place’).
  6. Over time, the recipient performs whatever processing is required, creating OrderResponse resource as appropriate. The sender has a pub/sub feed monitoring those resources and so is aware of the status of the referral at any time. (And can make direct queries at any time).

Although not explicit,  because Referral and Order are in repositories, other authorised people – including the patient – are able to review the progress at any time.

So to sum up, we’ve got a fair bit of work to do – but a lot of the bits are in place, and the art is going to be deciding what should go where!

Modelling Encounters in FHIR: Part 2

I was having a chat with some colleagues in New Zealand (who shall remain nameless, but you know who you are PJ & KA) about Encounters – specifically how to model an encounter (using openEHR archetypes as it happens), and it became evident that we were talking about slightly different things by the word ‘encounter’. I was referring to the FHIR encounter – a resource that has mainly administrative information about a contact with a patient (date, time, participants and so on), but my colleagues were referring to the more holistic concept of encounter – including all the clinical information collected during that encounter, actions performed, and so on.

So that we were talking about the same thing, I volunteered to write down how you could express these concepts in FHIR – so here it is. A simple Primary Care (Ambulatory Care in the US) consultation, which has a clinical note (subjective and objective) plus a prescription.

primary care observation

Note that I’ve used a Composition resource to establish the context of the Consultation note. This is a versatile resource (as most of them are in truth), which is also used in a FHIR document, although it doesn’t have to be – as this example shows.

The composition references the encounter, and also – through the sections of the composition – the clinical findings and actions that occurred during the consultation. There is some duplication of data – eg dates are in both encounter and composition – but nothing to get too concerned about.

This is how you could store the record in a data store, and of course it’s really easy to serialize into a FHIR document if you want to send a copy of the record to someone else – it would be an atom feed with 7 entries/resources in it with the appropriate references (see an example of a similar FHIR document here). Of course, you would also need to include copies of the referenced resources like Patient and Practitioner (that I left off the picture for simplicity) that would increase the resource count slightly.

Interestingly, this layout is very similar to how a CDA document would be represented – with the Composition (plus Patient and Practitioner) as the CDA header, and the Encounter, Clinical Findings and Medications Prescribed as sections. Co-incidence? I think not…

So: in our modelling work we really need to model the Encounter as a separate Entity with references to the clinical parts of the consultation, rather than a single model that seeks to encompass the whole thing (IMHO).

More comments on FHIR documents

With the emphasis on Documents in the coming connectathon, there have been a few questions on the skype chat about that. I suspect that most people who plan to attend connectathon will be monitoring that conversation (if not then you really should!) but just thought I’d post some of them here in case they got missed.

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Decomposing a FHIR document

Scenario 2.3 of Connectathon talks about a server ‘decomposing’ a FHIR document. This is another of those huge topics, as it is all about using the document as a ‘carrier’ for information that is used by a recipient to update their own data stores, rather than simply storing it as a ‘blob’ to be displayed to a user on request.

The issue is not so much a technical one – that’s relatively straightforward (though one of the more complex in FHIR) – but rather relates to the purpose of a document as a ‘summary at a point in time’ – or as a ‘snapshot’, rather than a mechanism to ‘transfer state’.

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Server processing of FHIR documents: Connectathon

In this post we’re going to think a bit about how the server might process a document that it receives. This is a massive topic, and certainly not one that can be covered in a single post – or by any one individual! Apart from anything else, there are lots of different possibilities – all legitimate in specific circumstances.

This is an important concept for FHIR – it doesn’t seek to drive any particular design or architecture – rather it attempts to support how data is moved around now, and how it may be done the future. It’s up to individual implementations to decide the details, but using common ‘building blocks’.

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Creating a FHIR document for the January Connectathon

I had intended to talk in some detail about the Composition resource next, as this is one of the key resources for a FHIR document, but because the January connectathon is getting close I’m going to do a series of posts to directly support people attending connectathon, and wanting to experiment with the document track. I’m planning 4 posts in this series:

  • How a client would create a FHIR document (incidentally for the remainder of this series, I’m going to refer to a FHIR document just as  ‘document’, so when you see this, I’m NOT talking about CDA. Later posts will talk more about the relationship between the two).
  • How a server could process a document. There are a few possibilities…
  • How to find the document on the server later, and render it to the client.
  • A wrap up on the Composition resource and anything else left over.

I do intend to spend a lot more time on FHIR & CDA, but this should at least cover the basics.
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FHIR: meet #CDA

CDA (Clinical Document Architecture) is undeniably the most successful HL7 version 3 standard. It’s being used very widely around the world for representing clinical data, and is one of the core standards for many jurisdictions – like Meaningful Use in the US. Obviously, if FHIR is to succeed, then it needs to have some way of doing what CDA does now (and including all the good thinking that has gone into CDA).

Another reason to start thinking about CDA is that the next FHIR connectathon at the January Working Group Meeting next year is going to have FHIR documents as one of the themes, so it makes sense to start thinking about how this all works.
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