FHIR Connectathon: The conformance resource for a client

The planning for the 5th FHIR connectathon is underway, with an announcement yesterday on the FHIR list server encouraging people to review the registration site, and to register as soon as the registration is open (which I absolutely encourage you to do). This will be the first connectathon that I won’t be at – which is kind of sad, but had to happen at some point.

Although I’m in the middle of a series of posts on FHIR & XDS (and a bit behind to tell the truth – work has got in the way of the fun stuff), I thought that it might be of interest to discuss some ‘connectathon-related’ topics – starting with the conformance resource. We’ve talked about this before in the context of a server using it to indicate to a potential consumer what it’s capabilities are (and been quite good in actually producing examples in our discussions), but it has also been designed for use by a client to indicates what it requires of a server.

In the case of connectathon, we encourage clients to create a Conformance resource to indicate what they need of a server as they fulfill the scenarios.

The conformance resource itself has some ‘header’ information (eg description, FHIR version and so forth) and then entries for REST, Document and Messaging. We will focus on the REST entry. There are entries that indicate:

  • Whether the conformance resource is describing a client or a server
  • Which resources the server supports or a client requires
  • Which profiles are supported/required
  • Security considerations
  • For each resource:
    • what operations are supported/required – CRUD
    • whether history is supported/required
    • the search parameters supported/required

A client will set the Conformance/rest/mode/@value  value to ‘client’ to indicate that it is specifying a requirement rather than a capability – and the other parts of the resource mean the same thing that they to for a server.

As an example, suppose that I want to complete scenario 1.4 of connectathon (search for a patient on name)  – the following conformance resource would indicate my requirements to a prospective server:

<Conformance xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
         <status value="generated"/>
         <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
             <p>A conformance statement detailing the client requirements for a sever in implementing scenario
             1.4 on connectathon#5 - search for a patient by name. Note that this only for 1.4 - we'd need
             to update if we were supporting any other scenario</p>
     <identifier value="68D043B5-9ECF-4559-A57A-396E0D452311"/>
     <version value="20130510"/>
     <name value="Connectathon Conformance requirements"/>
     <publisher value="HayCorp"/>
         <system value="email"/>
         <value value="user@haycorp.com"/>
     <description value="This is the FHIR conformance statement for the haycorp team at connectathon #5"/>
     <date value="2013-11-12"/>
         <name value="HC-Client"/>
         <version value=".01"/>
     <fhirVersion value="0.12-1911"/>

     <!--   doesn't really apply for a client, but is required   -->
     <acceptUnknown value="false"/>

     <!--   we only do XML -->
     <format value="xml"/>

         <mode value="client"/>
             <type value="Patient"/>
                 <code value="read"/>
                 <name value='name'/>
                 <type value="string"/>
                 <documentation value="Search by patient name"/>
             <code value="search-system"/>


A couple of notes:

  • The conformance resource is not – necessarily – used for machine processing, but rather as a uniform way that servers and clients can indicate and match capability & requirements. For example, they are very useful in the planning stages of a project when clients and servers are being located and/or designed.
  • As a FHIR resource, a conformance statement can be stored in a FHIR server, and has the same versioning capabilities as any other FHIR resource. This makes an excellent choice for locatable documentation once the systems are in operation.
  • And its resource nature also supports the concept of a searchable registry. This is more applicable to a server than a client, but does support the idea of providing UDDI like functionality…

About David Hay
I'm an independent contractor working with a number of Organizations in the health IT space. I'm an HL7 Fellow, Chair Emeritus of HL7 New Zealand and a co-chair of the FHIR Management Group. I have a keen interest in health IT, especially health interoperability with HL7 and the FHIR standard. I'm the author of a FHIR training and design tool - clinFHIR - which is sponsored by InterSystems Ltd.

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